How Pax 3 Differs From Pax 2?

Although the price of Pax 2 slightly reduced when the Pax 3 entered the market, the former is still popular and looks like it will remain in the market for long. Many people have been asking this question, what is the difference between the Pax 3 and the Pax 2?

What is different in the pax 3?

If you have found Pax 3 for sale and are wondering what is in this new unit that you would not find in the earlier pax 2, then there are three important things to note –

  • The exterior finish,
  • The heat up time, and
  • The app functionality and the haptic feedback.

Besides the above three factors, these two units are very similar in almost every other aspect.

Pax 2 vs pax 3 comparison:

The exterior finish:

This is the most noticeable difference between Pax 2 and the Pax 3. The pax 2 spots brushed and metallic textured finish. Although according to some users this finish is not as aesthetically pleasing as that of the Pax 3, it is more resistant to the scratches and also to the general tear and wear.

Another advantage of the exterior finish is that it does not pick up on the fingerprints. On the other hand, the pax 3 features high polished, elegant metallic finish. The mirror-like finish is not just appealing to the eye but it aptly catches the light when walking around during the sunny days. Holding it in the hand is very comfortable, and many users like the smooth finish which makes it comfortable to hold for the extended duration.

Heat up time:

This is another area of difference between the 2 units. The heat up time of the Pax 2 is a bit slower as compared to that of Pax 3. While it will take the Pax 2 about 45 seconds to get to it slowest heating setting, the pax will take 15 seconds to get to the lowest heat setting, and will take 20 seconds to get to the highest heating setting.

App functionality and the haptic feedback:

Even the best Pax 2 will lack temperature controls and related additional features through a smartphone application, a function which pax 3 has. The pax 2 also does not have haptic feedback.


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